PRO-10 Curriculum
The CORE 4 is the building block, which discusses the need to enhance the supportive team approach through: Professionalism, Safety, Communications and Mutual Respect. Tradespersons, Contractors, and Owners will benefit from the values reaffirmed within this program, helping to create and maintain more respectful, productive and safe work sites.
After CORE 4
The following topics that may be used in the apprenticeship programs to meet the additional six hours of training needed to complete the ten hour requirement.
The History of Unionized Construction Industry
This component discusses union density and market share in the U.S. and Minnesota construction industries including a historical perspective.
Changing the Perceptions of the Construction Industry:
This component explores the perceptions and the sources of misconceptions that customers and the public may have of the industry. Discussion to include the responsibility of each partner: owners, contractors, unions, and workers to create positive experiences in order to transform perceptions. May include prohibited conduct and corrective action plan training.
Worker Readiness:
In addition to skills, this component emphasizes that all partners must take Ownership of the success of a project by being thoroughly trained and prepared for work. This includes being on time, appropriately dressed, with the right tools and the right attitude. Construction Project Economics may also be taught as part of this component.
Contractor Readiness:
This component focuses on labor management skills for the contractor including the assignment of effective leadership, management of materials, tools and skill mix, proper job layout, worksite safety, diversity, and the role of the unions as a worker representative and industry partner.
Construction Project Economics:
This is a brief exploration of the risk analysis necessary for estimating, bidding, and completing construction projects. Includes a comparison of time and material vs. hard bid projects as well as calculating hourly labor costs.
Communications Training:
This component explores communications styles and strategies for both listening and being heard in the construction industry.
Customer Relations:
This component focuses on the critical need for any successful business to provide value to their customers through good customer relations. Good customer relations mean keeping customers fully informed, genuinely listening to customers, solving problems, and delivering on commitments. Being a customer focused organization means ensuring that all activities relating to planning, design, production and service are built around the needs of the customer. Customer relations refer to relationships with people within the organization and people outside the organization.
Supervisor Development/Foreman Training:
This component will include basic management and motivation strategies, personnel and equipment management, record keeping, risk management and insurance, communications skills, and customer service techniques.
Labor-Management Committee Basics:
All too often, the only formal means of communication between labor and management is the contractual grievance procedure and contract negotiations. A "win-lose" atmosphere is not conducive to solving other matters of mutual concern. The result is that top management is often insulated from some of the operational problems that spill over to become labor relations disputes.
Union Jobsite Leadership/Steward Training:
Tradespersons become familiar with the collective bargaining agreements, conflict resolution, the rights and responsibilities of Union members, and communications skills.
Working with Different Personalities:
This component discusses tools to use in working with people with different personality types and communications styles.
Service Call Standards:
This component may be directed toward service providers or toward field employees. Includes discussion of customer purchasing habits, check-in and check-out procedures, appearance, language, avoiding conflicts, meeting customer needs, and following-up.
Personal Economics:
This component provides an overview of personal finance management including budgeting, credit-debt ratios, taxes, and sustaining oneself through potential lay-off.
Substance Abuse Awareness:
Includes discussions about mental and physical fitness, and resources available to address substance abuse.
Diversity Training:
This component includes demographic information about the changing construction workforce, as well as training about maintaining respectful jobsites.
Collaborative Problem Solving:
We all come from different backgrounds. Age, gender, religion, social and political differences challenge our abilities to work in a group. This training will help you learn how to improve your work group's performance while still contributing as an individual thinker and fitting into the group. Learn about the positive and negative impact of collaborative decision making.
Tradespersons will:
- Create and Maintain Respectful and Safe Work Sites
- Work Safely and Efficiently during All Work Hours
- Continue to Improve Skills through Training
- Add Value through Quality and Innovation
- Present a Professional Appearance
- Understand and Respect:
- the Contractor's Risk,
- the Owner's Needs, and the Union as a Worker Representative and Industry Partner
Unions will:
- Create and Maintain Respectful and Safe Work Sites
- Provide Safety and Skill Development Training Opportunities
- Recognize and Promote Leadership and Mentoring
- Serve as a Worker Representative and Industry Partner
- Present a Professional Appearance
- Understand and Respect:
- the Contractor's Risk,
- the Owner's Needs, and the Tradespersons'Time, Effort and Skill
Contractors will:
- Create and Maintain Respectful and Safe Work Sites
- Provide Effective Jobsite Leadership
- Provide Necessary Personnel, Tools, Equipment and Materials in a Timely Manner
- Recognize, Document and Value Quality, Training and Innovation
- Understand and Respect:
- the Tradespersons' Time, Effort, and Skill,
- the Owner's Needs, and the Union as a Worker Representative and Industry Partner
Owners will:
- Create and Maintain a Respectful and Safe Work Site
- Recognize, Document and Value Safe and Efficient Jobsites
- Recognize, Document and Value Training and Innovation
- Thoroughly Communicate Expectations
- Understand and Respect
- the Contractors' Risk,
- the Tradespersons' Time, Effort, and Skill, and the Union as a Worker Representative and Industry Partner